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How different Industries need Language Services

The translating and interpreting industry provides a service that can be, and are, required over a multitude of other industries. When it comes to comprehensive understanding of often critical information, it’s of the utmost importance that nothing, literally, gets lost in translation. The sectors that most commonly need our services include medical, legal, commerce, as well as sport.


For obvious reasons, communication between doctor and patient needs to be crystal clear. If a doctor fails to correctly interpret a patient’s symptoms, the repercussions could be catastrophic. While medical interpreting is not yet universally licensed or credentialed, it is the best interest for reputable hospitals and clinics to employ trained translators and interpreters. Considering the legal consequences for incorrect treatment, this not only benefits the patient but medical entity as well.


Judicial systems have been created to cater to the legal needs of anyone that should require it. The duty of interpreters and translators in court is to remove the language barriers that could possibly lead to the miscarriage of justice. Interpreting and translating in the legal industry is not limited to in-court proceedings only but is also required to prevent any misinterpretations in legal documents such as contracts and privacy policies. As such, there is a big need for translators and interpreters in this field.


Thanks to the times we live in, and the internet, the business sector has become a global village. Cross-border commerce has become an everyday feature the world over. Cultural and linguistic global diversity creates a crucial need for translators and interpreters. In the business context, translators are needed for a wide variety of tasks, such as translating legal documents, product user guides, technical information, tender specs, as well as marketing material. Professionals may also be of value with face-to-face and telephonic meetings, factory or site visits, as well as interviews.


No matter what type of sport it may be, there is a good chance that several countries participates in it. This means that countries who speak different languages compete against each other. It also often happens that professionals get appointed at clubs in countries with a different language than that of their own. Translators and interpreters are utilised in this sense to assist in getting the message across between coaches and players. They can also be valuable in pre-and-post match interviews where the participants do not speak the common language of the interviewer.

An exciting field

These are just some of the notable sectors requiring good translators and interpreters. But there are many more that count on us to aid them in making sense of other languages and getting themselves heard correctly. This makes the translation/interpreter field an exciting one to be part of, and you can say that in just about any language.


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